On 09-08-16 19:06, Paul Offord wrote:
> Hi,
> I�ve develop two dissectors as a prelude to tacking the conversion of the
> TRANSUM LUA to a C version. In my enthusiasm (and laziness) I just did a git
> pull of the latest code from the repository. I�d like to build the TRANSUM code
> against the latest release rather than against dev code. I use VS 2013. My
> plan is:
> � Backup the the two dissector projects I have created, which I guess
> just means making copies of the plugin source directories
> � Deleting my present Wireshark dev environment
> � Do a git pull for the correct code (i.e. 2.0.5)
> � Copy the plugin directories back to the correct place
> � Add Existing the two plugin projects
> Is that correct? Is there a better way?
> Thanks and regards�Paul
You might want to familiarize yourself a bit with Git (eg through this excellent
book https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2). Have a look at 'git checkout' in this
case. You give it a branch to checkout, and since you're looking at the latest
release that would be 'master-2.0'.