Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Changing names of excutable files using CMake?

From: Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 15:43:59 +0000

On 13 January 2016 at 23:06, Alex Lindberg <alindber@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am using CMake to build a customized version of Wireshark that needs to be installed at the beside the default Wireshark libraries and run-time files.

To do this with previous version of Wireshark (<2) I created a SED script to do global search and replace functions to change file names, etc. The result of this script, that after a build, custom named libraries, directories and executable files where created. This approach worked, but did not allow for easy migration to newer code bases.

So now I am trying to do it the 'smart way' (if there is one) by migrating to CMake (using Jetbrains' Clion) for the build environment.  The default build works just fine (Based on Debian's testing version of WS).

Any ideas on how to proceed?  I can imagine that my request will meet some resistance.

As always, thank you for your help.

The executables and libraries are named in CMake by the add_executable() and add_library() commands respectively, and can be modified after the fact by subsequent calls to set_target_properties(target PROPERTY OUTPUT_NAME newname).

It might be possible to add a collection of set_target_property() calls in CMakeCustomLists.txt which can be used to add custom CMake modifications.  Currently a custom file is permitted at the top-level and in asn1, epan and ui\gtk.

Dealing with directories is much harder, most of them are hard-coded in the CMake scripts.

Graham Bloice