Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] overriding built-in dissector

From: Robert Cragie <robert.cragie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 09:06:40 +0000
If I were you, I would just modify packet-dis.c and rebuild Wireshark. I wouldn't call the process laborious and time consuming, although that may depend on what environment you use (I build on Windows and Linux). There is a certain amount of tools setup to do but follow the steps here and you are unlikely to go wrong: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/PartEnvironment.html.



On 1 December 2015 at 04:14, Alan Partis <alpartis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need some direction from some folks smarter than me:

I need to understand, and possibly make some customizations to, the DIS
dissector (packet-dis.c).  I understand that I can make those changes and
run the full wireshark build, but that can be a very laborious and
time-consuming task.  Consequently, I'm thinking that I'd like to build
packet-dis.c as a shared library plugin and have wireshark pick up my
customized version and use that instead of the built-in version.

1. is that possible?

2. Can I do the special plugin build of packet-dis.c right from the
./epan/dissectors/ subdirectory where it currently resides?  Or should I
put a copy of it off in my own working directory/sandbox and build it from

And lastly:

3. Is there anywhere I can find clear instructions on how best to achieve
this?  All the plugin dev docs I find go through the very lengthy
discussion of how to write a plugin and use the available API, but at
least for the moment, I am mostly only interested in the build process.


Alan Partis
thundernet development group
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