Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
I think I’ve just realized which is the problem. Could it be that my paths are …/Debug/… ? I’m going to try to build it to RelWithDebInfo…
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of POZUELO Gloria (BCS/PSD)
Sent: Friday 27 November 2015 10:04
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
Hi Pascal,
Here is the qt-dll-manifest.nsh content:
# Automatically generated by windeployqt-to-nsis.ps1
# Qt version 5.4.2
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\icuin53.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\icuuc53.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\icudt53.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5Core.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5Gui.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5Multimedia.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5Network.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5PrintSupport.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5Svg.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5Widgets.dll"
File "F:\Development\run\Debug\Qt5WinExtras.dll"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\audio"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\bearer"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\iconengines"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\imageformats"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\mediaservice"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\platforms"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\playlistformats"
File /r "F:\Development\run\Debug\printsupport"And I don’t see any error when executing the nsis_package_prep project. The result is 17 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped…
Thank you!
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pascal Quantin
Sent: Friday 27 November 2015 09:30
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
2015-11-27 8:11 GMT+01:00 POZUELO Gloria (BCS/PSD) <gloria.pozuelo@xxxxxxxx>:
Hello everyone,
I'd like to ask you about wireshark packaging. I'm trying to build a x64 version and when I execute these commands:
> msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo nsis_package_prep.vcxproj> msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo nsis_package.vcxprojI don't see any errors on it, but when I test my executable it shows me errors like Qt5PrintSupport.dll
not found and some other Qt libraries. I attach you nsis_package log, just in case you could see
something that I didn't notice.
Hi Gloria,
the list of Qt DLLs that need to be embedded in the installer is automatically generated when executing the nsis_package_prep project.
In your build folder, you should have a file named packaging\nsis\qt-dll-manifest.nsh that is the result of the packaging\nsis\windeployqt-to-nsis.ps1 script found in your source folder.
My qt-dll-manifest.nsh file contains:
# Automatically generated by windeployqt-to-nsis.ps1
# Qt version 5.5.0
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5Core.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5Gui.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5Multimedia.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5Network.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5PrintSupport.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5Svg.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5Widgets.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\Qt5WinExtras.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\libGLESV2.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\libEGL.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\d3dcompiler_47.dll"
File "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\opengl32sw.dll"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\audio"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\bearer"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\iconengines"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\imageformats"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\mediaservice"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\platforms"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\playlistformats"
File /r "D:\dev\wireshark\x64\run\RelWithDebInfo\printsupport"What's in yours? Could you check if you have any error when executing the nsis_package_prep project?
Best regards,
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- References:
- [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
- From: POZUELO Gloria (BCS/PSD)
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
- From: Pascal Quantin
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
- From: POZUELO Gloria (BCS/PSD)
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
- From: POZUELO Gloria (BCS/PSD)
- [Wireshark-dev] NSIS packaging not working
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