I'm playing with extcap, but I can't make it fully work.
I can run androiddump, and I can list the interfaces.
# ./run/extcap/androiddump --extcap-interfaces
interface {display=Android Logcat Main}{value=android-logcat-main-XXXXXXXXXX}
interface {display=Android Logcat System}{value=android-logcat-system-XXXXXXXXXX}
interface {display=Android Logcat Radio}{value=android-logcat-radio-XXXXXXXXXX}
interface {display=Android Logcat Events}{value=android-logcat-events-XXXXXXXXXX}
If I run the actual capture manually, it works
# ./run/extcap/androiddump --extcap-interface android-logcat-radio-XXXXXXXXXX --fifo /tmp/extcap1 --capture &
# ./run/wireshark /tmp/extcap1
But dumpcap doesn't list the extcap interfaces
# ./run/dumpcap -D
and wireshark qt and gtk don't list too, so they can't run the capture on the extcap.
What's the part I'm missing?
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