On 8/12/2015 12:21 PM, Bill Meier wrote:
2. I had to disable building with geoip because:
#error: Macro definition of snprintf conflicts with Stan
dard Library function declaration (compiling source file packet-ip.c)
A little digging finds that the Windows Wireshark version of the GeoIP
library(1.5.2) is a bit old; The current version (on GitHub [1]) is
1.6.6 and has had various fixes made since 1.5.2.
I also note that the 1.6.6 GeoIP.h no longer has the macro definition
for snprintf so the MSVC2015 GeoIP compile problem obviously won't occur
using the latest version.
I don't really know to create the GeoIP libraries (and couldn't easily
do a 64 bit version anyway) so I'll leave this as a ToDo for others
(Gerald ?).
(Obviously there's no urgency for this).
[1] https://github.com/maxmind/geoip-api-c