Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] RFC: Internally Generated "Records"

From: Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:53:59 -0400
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Evan
> Did this approach got implemented? If not, I would like to give it a try.

As far as I know nobody is working on it. Feel free to give it a try.


> regards,
> Roland
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Yes, that it what I was saying.
>> Cool, you can look forward to the openSAFETY patch, the minute the change
>> hit the official repo ;-)
>> regards,
>> Roland
>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 11:51 PM, Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Aug 4, 2014, at 17:21, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Am 04.08.2014 um 23:16 schrieb Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> On Aug 4, 2014, at 17:11, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Right now you can't filter on field combinations that must appear
>>>> "together" in one of those application frames: if fieldA appears in frame 1,
>>>> and fieldB appears in frame 2, then that packet will match "fieldA &&
>>>> fieldB" even if they never appear "together" in the way a normal human would
>>>> intend. Being able to label each of those frames as a separate "record"
>>>> would solve this problem.
>>> One thing to look out for here is the fact, that this may change behavior
>>> of the display filters in a way, the end-user may never see coming. We would
>>> have to come up with a syntax in wireshark, where we allow either "(fieldA
>>> && fieldB)" meaning, record1.fieldA and record2.fieldB or fieldA and fieldB
>>> in the same record. The end-user does not necessarily make that distinction.
>>> If he simply selects frame fields, he may end up with display filters which
>>> do not filter the intended or any packages, but he has no clue why simply
>>> because the display filter interprets the syntax in a way the end-user could
>>> not foresee.
>>> Yes, I was thinking some additional syntax like wrapping an expression in
>>> {} or something to indicate it should only match within a single record.
>>> It should be the other way around. The new syntax should emphasize the
>>> fact that it should match in different records, otherwise you are going to
>>> break compatibility with the current usability.
>>> ?
>>> Right now we match regardless of records - that should continue to be the
>>> default so that existing display filters don't break. We should introduce a
>>> new syntax for the new feature... Or is that what you are already saying?
>>> On the rest, I see your point.
>>> regards,
>>> Roland
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