Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Utilize the pdb files

From: "Helge Kruse" <Helge.Kruse-nospam@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 17:43:57 +0200
I've written some dissector plugins for Wireshark 1.6. Now I want to update these plugins and upgrade to the current version of Wireshark. There are a lot of tools necessary to compile Wireshark (Qt, Cygwin, Python, Git, ...). I would get a debug version of Wireshark and the corresponding pdb file what is the link to the sources.
So I tried the other way. I've downloaded
- Wireshark-win64-1.12.5.exe
- Wireshark-pdb-win64-1.12.5.zip
and installed Wireshark, and extracted the pdb files. Then I started Wireshark.exe, attached with VS2013 debugger but the debugger dit not accept the pdb file. That is not a bug surprise since the modification date of the files differes by hours.
12.05.2015  22:44         3.083.184 Wireshark.exe
14.05.2015  12:59         9.219.072 Wireshark.pdb
Where can I get .exe for that .pdb in the file
or the .pdb file for the .exe in