Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Windows automated builds migrated to CMake

From: Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 15:09:00 +0200
2015-04-16 14:55 GMT+02:00 Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

On 16 April 2015 at 11:49, Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

2015-04-16 5:06 GMT+02:00 Gerald Combs <gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
We reached a bit of a milestone today. The packages created by the
32-bit and 64-bit Windows builders at
https://buildbot.wireshark.org/trunk/waterfall are now produced using
CMake and MSBuild.

Thanks to everyone for helping to get the Windows CMake environment up
and running!

Hi Gerald,

one thing I noticed is that the Wireshark 1.99.6-243 32 bits coming from the buildbot (and thus CMake) systematically open a console window (both with Qt and GTK GUI) whatever my console window setting.
This does not happen when I compile locally the same release with nmake. I have not installed CMake yet on my machine to cross check, but it seems that we still have discrepancies between nmake and CMake.

This is down to the subsystem type.  The nmake builds are marked as "Windows Gui" and the CMake builds as "Windows Console".  It's a linker flag, supplied in $(guiflags) for nmake builds (or $(conflags) for command line programs e.g. tshark.exe).

I think CMake requires a set_target_properties(target_name PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS") call for each gui target.

Indeed, it's something I explicitly added to andoiddump.exe to improve the user experience and I did not even realize it could be the same thing :)

Thanks Graham !