I have only VStudio 2012 available here at my workplace. Using CMake 3.0.2, msvc2012_64_opengl.
The error log (in german) produces the following output:
Startet die Generierung des Aktivierungskontextes.
Flags = 0
ProcessorArchitecture = AMD64
CultureFallBacks = de-DE;de
ManifestPath = C:\dev\Wireshark\cmakebuild\run\wireshark-gtk.exe
AssemblyDirectory = C:\dev\Wireshark\cmakebuild\run\
Application Config File =
INFORMATION: Manifestdatei "C:\dev\Wireshark\cmakebuild\run\wireshark-gtk.exe" wird analysiert.
INFORMATION: Die Manifestsdefinitionsidentität ist "(null)".
FEHLER: Zeile 8: Der Wert des "processorArchitecture"-Attributs im assemblyIdentity-Element ist ungültig.
FEHLER: Bei der Generierung des Aktivierungskontextes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
Beendet die Generierung des Aktivierungskontextes.
I am trying to build with 32bit now, and will keep you updated. I've figured it may have something to do with Qt, and the fact, that the package for opensource is only supporting 64 bit with VStudio2013. Why tshark and wireshark-gtk are affected by this, I can't really figure out.
Btw, should there be another page on the wiki for building with cmake on Windows? Running the setup script was one thing, but the main thing with my devenv.bat was, that I used to set WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR, but with that I never got the build running. As soon as I set WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR as environment variable, the build worked. I used the stdio information from the buildbot to figure it out, but others may well have some issues here.