Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Can we put android phone device connected over USB to Win 7

From: Michal Labedzki <michal.labedzki@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 07:52:03 +0100
On 24 February 2015 at 23:03, Peter Wu <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Before you attempt to use the output of `adb shell` in a pipe, keep in
> mind that adb mangles newlines (LF -> CRLF) and is therefore unsuitable
> for binary data. This does not matter for textual output such as
> "tcpdump -D", but it affects "tcpdump -w -" (writes pcap to stdout).

Yes, I know. In real it is not a problem (there is possibility to
safely replace bytes),  but I decided to use text output because from
time to time on Google Gerrit someone may found patch to fix these

Peter, what do you think about tcpdump interfaces from Android in
Wireshark (PC side)? I do not have ready that in my extcap tool (that
I will contribute soon), but it is trivial to do that (something like
that I do for old Android for Bluetooth interface "hcidump"). Pros:
"~realtime sniffing from Android (with tcpdump and permissions...);
also may add interfaces for USB [Unfortunately I do not see any phone
that implement that...]", Cons: "add a lot of interfaces... sometimes
2 (wlan0, any), somethimes 5, etc."


Pozdrawiam / Best regards
Michał Łabędzki, Software Engineer
Tieto Corporation

Product Development Services

http://www.tieto.com / http://www.tieto.pl
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