Graham Bloice wrote:
>On 5 February 2015 at 17:48, Ed Beroset <beroset@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Problems encountered installing commit-msg hook
>> The following command failed with exit code 104
>> "GET https://beroset@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/tools/hooks/commit-msg"
>> -----------------------
>> I don't really know how to go about troubleshooting this since I haven't
>> ever used it and don't know what it's supposed to do. If it's relevant,
>> I'm behind a corporate firewall that forces me to use https: instead of
>> ssh: Any clues?
>Is the URL correct?
I have no idea.
>Shouldn't it be
>What does git remote -v show?
origin https://beroset@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/review/wireshark (fetch)
origin https://beroset@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/review/wireshark (push)