Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] On which platforms is there a need for Wireshark to have a "

From: Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 19:00:06 +0100

2014-11-05 18:31 GMT+01:00 Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

On Nov 5, 2014, at 2:30 AM, Pascal Quantin <pascal.quantin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> 2014-11-05 11:12 GMT+01:00 Michal Labedzki <michal.labedzki@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Please run "LC_ALL=it_IT wireshark"
>> Does it work on Windows? I do not remember to know anyone GUI
>> application without option to change language by GUI. Do you know how
>> to change locale after running application? (QEvent::LocaleChange ?)
>> If this is not possible then dynamic change application language will
>> be lost.
> +1. Most software I use allow me to manually override the language without messing with the environment variables.

Do you use any GUI applications other than Wireshark?

Yes, tons of as I'm on Windows :)

On what operating system do you use them?

See above

Do they all offer a manual language override, so that you can set a particular application's language independently of your personal "global" language setting?

The only ones I can think to supporting multiple languages without a GUI option to set it are...  command line based coming from Linux world (like mercurial) and here I do use the environment variable. But it's more painful for a lazy guy and not a common use case for a standard Windows user I think.
Moreover I prefer to have a good interface in English rather than a partial / bad French translation :)

> And here we are talking about a functionality we already have.

This is functionality we have in the Qt version, which most people aren't using, and which is still incomplete.  I.e., it's functionality we have in a version under development.

Agreed, but it's also the first time we introduce language support so it's the right time to discuss this kind of thing.

I do not at all agree with, and will never agree with, the belief that removing existing functionality is inherently wrong.  If the functionality is unused, or is rarely used and if its capabilities can be achieved in another way, I consider that a very good reason to consider removing it.

I understand your point. On the other point it's really common practice (at least on Windows) to allow user to select the language from the GUI.

> Removing it would be a big loss in my opinion.

In what ways is it used that its disappearance would be a big loss rather than, at most, a minor loss?

For me: a minor loss as I know the environment variables allowing to override it. For the common Windows user, it might be a bigger loss.
