On Tue, Nov 04, 2014 at 12:34:36PM -0800, Guy Harris wrote:
> You presumably meant "gint8", that being what you used in the commit.
Yes, thanks for the clarification.
> int8_t is a C99 datatype; older versions of various UN*Xes might not
> support it, and, even on those that do, you might have to include
> <stdint.h>. Given that older versions might not support it, and might
> not have <stdint.h>, it's probably best not to use it.
FreeBSD 10 doesn't have int8_t in /usr/includes/stdint.h. I know we
used to avoid using C99 things like that, but do we compile in such a
way to make the compiler not work with C99 code?
> VS 2013 adds <stdint.h>; I don't know whether that means you need MSVC
> 2013 or later to build ws_mempbrk_sse42.c. I also don't know whether,
> with your change, ws_mempbrk_sse42.c still needs to include <stdint.h>
> on Windows.
That's a good question and I don't have a Windows development
environment right now to test removing it.