On 9/30/14 12:30 PM, Anders Broman wrote:
> Den 30 sep 2014 21:27 skrev "Gerald Combs" <gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>:
>> On 9/30/14 5:00 AM, Anders Broman wrote:
>> >
>> >> Switching to the OBS GTK+ 3.14 package. It looks like a lot of
> our GTK+ code is
>> >> deprecated, including GtkAction and GtkAttachOptions.
>> > Would using 3.14 work if we remove on or more of these flags from
> config.nmake?
>> Possibly. If someone wants to experiment with this I can create GTK+
>> 3.14 bundles and check them in to the win32-libs and win64-libs trunks.
> I think that could be useful.