On 21 August 2014 14:46, Michal Orynicz wrote:
> Hi,
> the best line of doing this would be going to
> https://code.wireshark.org/review/, registering there and then pushing Your
> change to https://code.wireshark.org/review/wireshark . This way the
> changes will go through review in gerrit, and no matter how bad or how good
> Your code is, it will stay there until it is decided to be ready and safe
> to be incorporated to the main branch :)
Hi Michal,
what address would it be in the review system, where I have to push my code?
This site:
seems to be not specific to the wireshark sources.
I've just registered on the review site of wireshark (although not easy
with this openid steps...).
What do you think of my previous git-steps?