Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Qt License Change

From: Bálint Réczey <balint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:23:58 +0200

2014-08-20 18:36 GMT+02:00 ronnie sahlberg <ronniesahlberg@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I think the biggest gotcha with LGPLv3 is that it is no longer
> compatible with GPLv2 only code.
> Wireshark does not have any GPLv2only code right? If not, we should be ok.
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2014/08/20/adding-lgpl-v3-to-qt/
>> I don't *think* this affects us, but I haven't thought about it too hard.
I think this license change may be problematic for companies
distributing Wireshark with new LGPLv3-covered Qt if they don't want
to share their patents covering Qt for free (due to LGPLv3's patent

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice.
