Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] WARNING aclocal

From: Peter Wu <lekensteyn@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 05:22:01 -0700 (PDT)
On Sunday 06 April 2014 13:15:07 khemis haythem wrote:
> really i haven't tried using cmake instead of autofoo 
> but when i can use cmake ? 
> and about the the full output, is like these picture :
> after $aclocal i get :
> aclocal.png 
> and after ./autogen.sh i get :
> autogen_sh.png 

Are you serious? Top-posting on a list... OK. But please
do not send pictures of command output if you could as well
copy it and insert the output in the mail.

Usage of cmake:
mkdir /tmp/wsbuild && cd /tmp/wsbuild  # /tmp/wsbuild it output dir
# The "configure" step, you can also use "cmake-gui" if you prefer
cmake ~/wireshark
make install

Examples for cmake:

Be sure to install appropriate headers and libraries... On Ubuntu you
can use "sudo apt-get build-dep wireshark" for that.
