BTW, is changing the wtap_register_open_info() function prototype/ABI again soon going to cause you problems?
I ask because it changes again, with an additional argument, in here:
The additional argument is for whether the wiretap reader being registered should be put at the top or bottom of its respective magic/heuristic section. For example if it's a heuristic type, is it a strong vs. weak heuristic.
But if it would be painful for you, I can change that to keep the current wtap_register_open_info() as is, and make a new internal one that the existing wtap_register_open_info() can then just call with the default argument (which is for a weak heuristic).
On Mar 6, 2014, at 9:53 AM, Anders Broman <anders.broman@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> This change broke a custom wiretap plugin I have which used wtap_register_magic_number_open_routine() which now is #if 0:ed out.
> I gather I should now use wtap_register_open_info() with
> const struct open_info
> Unfortunately there isn't a good description of the content of the struct:
> struct open_info {
> const char *name; /**< ? */
> int type; /**< One of OPEN_INFO_MAGIC or OPEN_INFO_HEURISTIC */
> wtap_open_routine_t open_routine; /**< Callback */
> const char *extensions; /**< "I'm guessing" the default file extension, used to save this type should be NULL if no default extension is known */
> };
> What should "*name" be?
> Regards
> Anders