On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 08:31:48PM +0100, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> > This idea of the file is to collect example workflows to make
> > it easier getting started with git/gerrit.
> From my experience (giving trainings on git/gerrit and observing other
> trainers and trainees) the most efficient way of learning Git + Gerrit based
> collaboration is reading Pro Git [1] then the Gerrit intro [2] . This is what
> is suggested by our WorkFlow page [3].
So you are proposing that anyone working on wireshark should read all of that
before sending their first patch - please note that we seem to encourage
people who enhancement bugs with patches to submit this stuff via Gerrit.
Many (most?) contributors are not software developers who will use these
tools on an almost daily basis - so the target group for these "recipies"
is different than the people that you are probably teaching.
> Other means like trying to start with incomplete, examples-based
> quick-intros gave early satisfaction and long struggling to many people
> I could observe thanks to misunderstanding or not seeing the concepts
> behind the commands.
> Please don't create traps for people less experienced with git/gerrit.
> Let me ask this question: After reading through [1] and [2] carefully which
> question(s) arising during contributing to Wireshark remained not answered?
As written above, I really regard this as overkill for an occasional contributor.
Also, reading all this before using it is not working for everyone - some want to
go the inverse path: Get some basic stuff done first with the help of a small
tutorial and once you run into the first few problems and solve them with help
of the Internet and *then* read the stuff you mentioned above (especially 1)
may make more sense for many people.
My problem with [2] is that it is too long for me to read on a computer
screen and it lacks the overview that I put in front of it, that way I
would have needed to read that document at least twice to really understand
what it was about.
> Those could be good additions to the Q&A section of [3].
> Thanks,
> Balint
> [1] http://git-scm.com/book
> [2] https://code.wireshark.org/review/Documentation/intro-quick.html
> [3] http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/Workflow
So what may work for you didn't work too well for me (and btw, I read
pro git about 3 years ago twice but I only remember that which I found
interesting at the time of reading or shortly afterwards). The stuff
that caused me problems is that Gerrit fundamentally changes the way
I am used to working with git - it's a different process. That and the
fact that it took me close to forever to set up an account probably
also didn't help when I read the instructions in 2 ;->
So, just to summarize: There are probably some people out there who
work similar to the way I do and for those it makes sense to have a
simple and short tutorial available to get them started. Others prefer
to dig thoroughly into the tools they will be using first - the tutorial
is probably not for them and that's fine.
Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx>
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. Some say that should read Microsoft instead of technology.