On Jan 29, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Wireshark code review <code-review-do-not-reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> https://code.wireshark.org/review/gitweb?p=wireshark.git;a=commit;h=d3bd3965e8df79d63ae6a4ae0f7529db49fd906e
> Changed: branch: master-1.10
> Repository: wireshark
> from 69c7403 Merge "Fix bug 9633: Do not try to add a new NAL unit when the previous one was not decoded" into master-1.10
> adds d3bd396 Convert m3ua to wmem and use the pinfo pool for a variable that might be used for an address. Fixes the recent valgrind fuzz failure.
So this means that the update in question is described by the "adds" line, and the "from" line describes the previous change on that branch, right?