On 1/15/14 3:58 AM, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> Hi Evan,
> 2014/1/15 Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> I have created an account and added an SSH key, but I am getting
>> "Permission denied (publickey)" when trying to clone. Is it working
>> for anyone else?
> After I set my username, it worked fine. Maybe you missed it like me
> for the first time. :-)
There's another caveat (one that tripped me up at least): If you're
likely to sign in with different email addresses via different OpenID
providers you should make sure each address is registered via "Settings
→ Contact Information". Otherwise it's easy to end up with multiple
If you *do* end up with multiple accounts I can merge them but it
requires minor surgery on the database.