Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] setcap for CMake install under Linux

From: Bálint Réczey <balint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 02:10:49 +0100
2014/1/13 Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Jan 12, 2014, at 2:23 PM, Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It allows the compilation with capabilities (that's what I use), but right now
>> the installation process has neither suid nor setcap support.
>> Does it really make sense to add this? If so, I can do so tomorrow.
> I think it'd make sense to support them.
> (It should probably also support making Debian packages, RPMs, OS X dmgs, etc. to at least the same extent that autotools does, as well as supporting making Windows NSIS packages.)
IMO it does not have to support Debian packages.
The best practice (and Debian's policy) is calling CMake from
debian/rules, not the other way around.
