"Graham Bloice" <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
and maybe due to my CMake ineptness it turned out to be one file per line.
How fast will CMake generate such a temp-file? There are approx 1100 packet-*.c
files. I figured this macro does it:
MACRO(REGISTER_DISSECTOR_FILES _outputfile _registertype )
if(${_registertype} STREQUAL "dissectors" )
set( _makeregistertype "dissectorsinfile" )
set( _ftmp "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_regc.tmp" )
set( _depends ${ARGN} )
file(REMOVE ${_ftmp})
foreach(f ${_depends})
file(APPEND ${_ftmp} "${f}\n")
So, unless you're interested in CMake builds for Visual Studio, you can
effectively ignore the changes to make-dissector-reg, but if you feel the
need to improve it, then the CMake will have to be fixed at the same time.
Sorry, I don't do CMake. It's a big mystery to me. I seldom get it to
work here. But GNU-make rocks even for MSVC projects.