On Oct 15, 2013, at 10:43 PM, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ok. But then the question comes up, if a UI interface should be part
> of Wireshark or part of wsgd. As a last resort wsgd could be ported to
> wireshark, but this is a shoe I would only put on me as a last step.
wsgd is currently a plugin dissector for Wireshark, so I'm not sure what "ported to Wireshark" would mean.
I think it should, in some form, be incorporated into Wireshark, so as to, at minimum, allow people to add support for new protocols to Wireshark without having to write C or C++ code and run a compiler to build a plugin or a new version of Wireshark with a new builtin dissector.