Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] adding x721 messaging

From: "Lem Ryan (Ryan)" <rlem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 10:32:08 -0400

I am trying to add the capability to dissect additional X.721 CMIP messages to my current wireshark 1.10 build.  Before I get too far into the rabbit hole, I want to check to ensure I am proceeding down the correct path. 


Currently the asn definition I want to addis:


unixSystemId      ATTRIBUTE

               WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX UnixSystem-ASN1Module.UnixSystemStatusId;

               MATCHES FOR  EQUALITY ;


                              unixSystemStatusIdbehaviour       BEHAVIOUR

                              DEFINED AS “The naming attribute of the

unixSystemStatus object assigned at creation time “;;


REGISTERED AS {unixSystemAttribute 6};


My assumptions are that I would have to define the OID into the cmip.cnf and then add a XXX.asn file to the build list with the above asn definition.  Please let me know if I’m going down the correct path.


Ryan Lem

LGS Innovations
