"B�lint R�czey" <balint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
how about making gtk3 the default over gtk2 when building Wireshark? Just
to be clear: I only want to reverse the build defaults between gtk2 and 3.
Hopefully it will get much more testing that way, so it is up to prime time
for the next release?
I fully support the idea.
The official Debian packages in unstable and testing already use GTK3.
There doesn't seems to be an Windows installer for a
GTK3+ Bundle yet. But I found a static dev-package of GTK3+ (MingW).
And toying a bit with the new HTML5 features and the "broadway"
deamon seems pretty cool. Seems this stuff one day would make it possible
to run Wireshark as a web-app. Pretty amazing if true. Ref: