On 07/15/13 09:57, B�lint R�czey wrote:
2013/7/15 Jeff Morriss <jeff.morriss.ws@xxxxxxxxx>:
On 07/14/2013 02:53 PM, Guy Harris wrote:
dpkg-source -b build
dpkg-source: warning: no source format specified in debian/source/format,
see dpkg-source(1)
dpkg-source: warning: source directory 'build' is not
<sourcepackage>-<upstreamversion> 'wireshark-1.11.0'
dpkg-source: info: using source format `1.0'
dpkg-source: info: building wireshark in wireshark_1.11.0.tar.gz
dpkg-source: info: building wireshark in wireshark_1.11.0.dsc
Is this happening because something changed in the source that breaks the
Debian package build, or is it happening because it's been broken for a long
time but we only recently added a "build a Debian package" step to the
I think it was because the 03-preferences patch had gotten too far out of
sync with epan/prefs.c . I tried to fix that in r50596 (we'll see what the
buildbot says).
But I'm not sure why this has to be patched in the first place... Does
Debian have xdg-open but prefer sensible-browser? Or should
sensible-browser just be built into configure's checks?
I think there is no clear preference.
sensible-pager and sensible-editor are mentioned [1] in Debian Policy
which gives direction to maintainers, but sensible browser is not.
There is an ongoing discussion [2] about updating the Policy with the
last comment recommending xdg-open for our case.
Since prefer having less patches and in my quick test xdg-open
behaved more reasonably than sensible-browser I suggest removing the
patch and I'll
remove the patch from the official Debian package, too to stay synced
with upstream.
Note that wireshark must add dependency on xdg-utils to used xdg-open.
OK, I took a shot (completely untested) at doing both in r50611. Please
let me know if I've messed things up.
I think we could move this thread to wireshark-dev to document the
rationale behind the change.
+1 and done.
[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-customized-programs.html#s11.4
[2] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=172436