Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] CMake for Windows

From: Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 12:07:07 +0200

GLOB and GLOB_RECURSE should normally only catch files, not
directories. (As noted on

You should look for ares.h. From the returned path you could deduct
the directory path with STRING.

Alternativly you could look on google for Findcares.cmake, which will
get you some matches for other people, who attempted the same thing.
>From there you can either take their hints or create your own version.

More problematic is finding the library. But you could either use the
built-in function find_library or use the cmake module
FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake (Description in the header of the

Allways try to use as many built-in commands as possible, because even
something simple as a little foreach and some paths you set may lead
to cross-compilation mayhem in the future.

kind regards,

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Graham Bloice
<graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 26 June 2013 10:10, Roland Knall <rknall@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi
>> As I am somewhat converse in cmake, I can give you a few pointers, if you
>> like.
>> In general for each package a cmake system should look for, a
>> Find<PackageName>.cmake file should exist in either one of two places:
>> - The local directory (in wireshark underneath
>> <src>/cmake/modules/Find....
>> - Or the global cmake directory <cmake_install_dir>/Modules/Find...
>> Those packages usually comply to a definition, where you can provide a
>> searchpath by setting a directory before including the package.
>> So if you have a CMakeLists.txt with the following context:
>> ........
>> INCLUDE(Findzlib)
>>    ...
>> ....
>> then you can set a search path by using:
>> ...
>> IF(WIN32)
>>     SET(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS "c:\\wireshark-win32-libs\\zlib125\\include")
>>     SET(ZLIB_LIBRARY_DIRS "c:\\wireshark-win32-libs\\zlib125\\bin"
>> "c:\\wireshark-win32-libs\\zlib125\\lib" )
>> INCLUDE(Findzlib)
>> ....
>> But setting static routes should be avoided, so better set a relative
>> path (aka ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../..) or
>> using a system variable.
>> If you have to call a script, you should do this by using either
>> EXECUTE_PROCESS or better create a CUSTOM_TARGET which you can depend
>> on, so that the right libraries will allways be downloaded, if they
>> cannot be found.
>> Finally, if you include user-editable scripts, they should start with
>> CMake...... and end in .txt. Something like config.CMake should be
>> avoided, as it is nmake specific.
>> kind regards,
>> Roland
> I've been attempting that sort of thing but success eludes me.
> Take cares for instance.  The path to the include dir is
> $(PROJECT_LIB_DIR)/c-ares-
> I don't want to hard-code the library version suffix so I'd like to get
> CMake to search within $(PROJECT_LIB_DIR) for a directory that begins
> "c-ares-".
> My current attempt is (with hard-coded paths and debugging messages):
> IF (WIN32)
>   MESSAGE("Searching wireshark libs for c-ares")
>   FILE(GLOB subdir "W:/Wireshark/wireshark-win32-libs/*")
>   FOREACH(dir $(subdir))
>     MESSAGE("Found: $(dir)")
>     IF(IS_DIRECTORY $(dir))
>       MESSAGE("Found: $(dir)")
>       IF("$(dir)" MATCHES "^c-ares-.*")
>         SET(CARES_HINTS $(dir))
>       ENDIF()
>     ENDIF()
> This fails to find any subdirectories at all.  I've also tried GLOB_RECURSE
> with no change.
> Graham
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