Anders Broman wrote:
Ed Beroset wrote:
My inclination would be for option 2 be the default, but with option
1 being available as a configuration checkbox.
Yes this sounds like the thing to do for me to, regarding address resolution there has been discussions of a rewrite using "normal" hash tables
And options not to dump NRB:s
So with this bug report I already knew about, that's three different
ones with different aspects, ideas, problems and goals. As I understand
it, there are potentially four different (potential) sources for name
resolution. They are 1) a named hosts file (not necessarily the system
hosts file) 2) whatever is behind OS gethostbyaddr() call 3) NRB in
capture file and 4) manually entered names.
For name resolution, I'm thinking that it might be useful to allow the
user to select both the order for resolution and whether each is used or
not. Just to make it even more complex, it may be desirable for the
user to dump some but not all of the names when a new capture file is
loaded. For example, one might reasonably wish to dump the previous NRB
names, but keep the manually entered ones.
There should probably also be some kind of options for saving as well.
Specifically, it might be useful to allow the user to save a combined
hosts file (which could include names resolved via any of the methods
listed above) and/or save to an NRB or strip all of it out of the NRB.
Also, I think Evan Huus's comment about changing to use glib hash tables
is a good one, and would propose to incorporate that as well.
Too complex? Did I miss anything? I think it's better to decide the
behavior first and then code it, so thanks very much for your comments.