On 5/20/13 8:37 AM, Graham Bloice wrote:
> This is the small end of a long and wriggly worm.
> Windows builds can consume system libraries from two sources, the
> Compiler\VS Studio installation and the Platform SDK. Merely checking
> the compiler version isn't necessarily the correct option as the build
> may be using a much newer version of the SDK that doesn't have the
> issue. In addition the build may be targeted at version of Windows that
> doesn't suffer the issue. I would like to have the time to sort this out.
Would reducing the number of supported compilers in config.nmake help in
that regard?
> In general though, I agree that for Windows, supporting old compilers
> isn't really necessary as Visual Studio will generally install on older
> OS's, excepting that VS2012 limits support to Win7 and later, so we
> might need to support VS2010 for XP and Vista, although even XP dies
> (from mainstream support) in Apr 2014.
I'm OK with removing VS 2005 and .Net Framework 2.0.