From: <Michal.Labedzki@xxxxxxxxx>
> I guess current file dissectors are ok (they are only not complete). I propose start work on Fileshark by write simple file dissector for Wireshark. You meet dissector API and Wireshark. For example: *.bmp
> It sometimes used on webpages, so it is in Wireshark scope. Also you will be able to add "Preview" to Wireshark (new tab like reassemble tabs? shows only when click image dissector?).
I'm already familiar with dissector API, so I don't think it would be any problem. I also think that "Preview" feature would be really useful, so I mentioned about it in a comment to my GSoC proposal.
> I will be happy to see only one tool, not two separated tools. I hope current executable can be extended.
Keeping Wireshark as one tool would be definitely best solution for me. I think it could be done.
> By the way, if you want some help, feel free to contact with me.
> Pozdrawiam / Best regards
I've missed this mail previously, so I'm sorry that I'm replying so late.