On Apr 18, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Edwin Abraham <edwin.abraham12@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As for the Packet Editor I will start working on the Edit toolbar functionalities that need to be added to the Packet Editor. I will start by enlisting the editcap funtions
...none of which involve editing particular fields in the packet; the *only* editcap function that modifies packet data at all is the "overwrite randomly-chosen bytes with random values" function, which is used for fuzz-testing. Editcap is (by design and intent) not linked with libwireshark, so it doesn't and can't even know what packet fields are.
I.e., don't get confused by the "edit" in "editcap"; it doesn't do the kind of editing that the current Packet Editor code does. Some of the editing it does might *also* be useful, but that would involve editing the packet list pane, removing packets, not editing a *particular* packet.