Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Icon Poll - is this OK?

From: Kurt Knochner <ws.dev.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:07:26 +0200

On 2013-04-11 01:55, Gerald Combs wrote:
Perhaps I spent too much time around these in my youth, because when I
see a right-pointing triangle I think "play":

you are right about the "play" symbol if you consider entertainment devices.

...and when I see it in other protocol analyzers I think "someone's been
abusing the stock icon directory." :-)

My impression is that the interpretation of the "green arrow symbol" as a
"start" symbol/action seems to be widely known and accepted in software

After all, for whom do you write the code? Obviously for yourself (fun)
and then for the users (whatever reason). If the users are used to think of the "play" button as a "start" button, why not give them what they know
and like (see poll results).

Nevertheless, there are other alternatives.

==> New Windows Style "start/stop" (capturing) symbols

==> Just simple buttons with text labels: "start/stop" or "go/stop" or "capture/stop"
