Hi Cristian - thanks for example script!
Comments inline...
On Mar 20, 2013, at 1:11 PM, Cristian Constantin <const.crist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hi!
> I attach a lua script that can extract and dump in a separate file
> isup payloads from either sigtran or ss7 packets.
Do you have a sample capture file to test it against? The only ones I have with ISUP don't have the data tag you're exporting.
> it can be used as an example on how to extract and manipulate binary
> fields from packets;
> I did not find any other one when I was looking for it.
> for using it you have to download and compile the "struct.so" module from here:
> http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/struct/
There are some others out there - some a superset of Roberto's, some completely different. In your particular case I don't think you needed it - you can convert a number to a little-endian 2-byte/short value with plain Lua, and you can just write binary directly to a file too.
For example instead of this:
local len = len_number-16
if(1==debug) then
print("isup len:", len)
-- use the i-th isup payload
len_bin = lib.pack('<H', len)
for b in string.gfind(len_bin, ".") do
Do this:
local len = len_number-16
file:write( string.char(len % 256, math.floor(len / 256)) )