Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] r48218: Remove the emem slab feature

From: Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 09:19:25 -0400
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Jakub Zawadzki
<darkjames-ws@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 08:03:41PM -0500, Evan Huus wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Jakub Zawadzki
>> <darkjames-ws@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Right now no, but there was implementation of sl_free_all().
>> Granted, but I don't (off the top of my head) have a potential use case for it.
> What about O(1) free time for proto nodes? (common case).
>> Regardless, without proof the other way (that emem slabs were an improvement),
>> the less code we own the better.
> Ok, I performed some stress test for ws_slab vs g_slices for quite big capture file.
> Test performed with one liner:
>   for ((i=0; i< 10; i++)); do echo $i; time ./tshark -n -r /tmp/big.pcap -V > /dev/null; sleep 600; done
> one tshark run at the time (most computation was done nightly).
> /tmp is mounted ramfs, tshark compiled with CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -w"
> I cheated a little and both tshark are based on r47905, but with patches:
>   ws_slab-tshark was build with patch: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=rMexZBsh
>   g_slices-tshark was build with patch: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YdA50LKL

Your g_slice patch uses g_slice_alloc0, which zeros the returned
memory like g_malloc0 does. A fairer comparison would be with
g_slice_alloc(), since the emem slab doesn't make any guarantees about
zeroing memory.

I'm honestly not sure why g_slice_alloc0 was used when
debug_use_slices was set, since presumably in a debugging case we'd
want to blow up if possible on uninitialized memory.

> but I'd rather wait for some other results/conclusions before I repeat test with r48218 and r48217
> big.pcap is:
>   Number of packets:   7284 k
>   File encapsulation:  IEEE 802.11 plus radiotap radio header
>   File size:           944 MB
>                   ws_slab        g_slices
> user            17m20.988s      19m30.194s
> user            16m59.147s      19m17.288s
> user            16m40.835s      19m42.880s
> user            16m43.241s      19m24.307s
> user            16m47.508s      19m25.764s
> user            16m53.047s      19m44.216s
> user            16m38.085s      19m9.822s
> user            16m57.067s      19m28.897s
> user            17m5.540s       19m29.994s
> user            17m8.343s       19m40.903s
> avg:            16m55.380s      19m29.426s
>                  +/- 25s         +/- 20s
>                        1m17.023s
>                      (~8% +/- 4%)
> To be honest, I thought the result would be on statistic error boundary,
> and still we're NOT using sl_free_all().
> Generally I'm fine with this patch even if we loss about ~1% (in normal use),
> but ws_slab is faster than g_slices :P
> Regards,
>  Jakub.
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