On 1/23/13 7:46 PM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
> Hi Gerald,
> The buildbot's been generating a lot of fuzz failure bugs recently--none
> of which I've been able to reproduce in any of the supported trunks
> (Valgrind is silent too).
> Any idea what's going on?
> The last fuzz failure log says this (which doesn't make sense):
>> /home/wireshark/menagerie/menagerie/9460-test.pcap: (-nVxr) (-nr) OK
>> ls: cannot access
>> /dev/shm/buildbot/clangcodeanalysis/menagerie-fuzz/fuzz-*.pcap: No
>> such file or directory
In order to improve performance and reduce the I/O load I've been using
/dev/shm (which uses tmpfs) as the temporary directory for fuzzing.
However, it looks like the contents of /dev/shm disappear and reappear
periodically. The buildbots complain about missing files but when I
check they're there. I'm not sure what's causing it. Maybe a cron job or
daemon periodically clobbers and un-clobbers /dev/shm?
I moved fuzzing to its own mount point. Hopefully Buildbot will stop