Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Writing python dissectors for Wireshark

From: Eshed Shaham <ashdnazg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:29:25 +0200
Hey guys,

I recently coded a plugin for wireshark which is actually a framework for allowing new dissectors to be written in python.
Unlike the unused python bindings in Wireshark's source, my plugin hides Wireshark's interface and provides a more "pythonic" one to the developer.
I'm already using it for some time, and adding new features every now and then. Generally it can be quite useful if you don't like lua (or maybe even if you do...).

Feel free to grab the code or precompiled Windows binaries from google code:
There are also some helpful wiki pages there.

Do note that I haven't tried compiling it on anything that isn't Windows, I believe the code might need some porting before it can be built for other OS's.

Feedback of any kind is welcome,