Hi Matteo, Jeff,
Thus wrote Jeff Morriss (jeff.morriss.ws@xxxxxxxxx):
> Matteo Di Cosmo wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm new in Wireshark and I'm trying to sniff IPMI packets throught a
>> i2c bus.
>> To do this I need to compile a plugin which has been previously
>> developed in the context of (https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1970 ) .
>> Actually, my first question is why do I need to add this plugin if
>> wireshark already cames out with a ipmb dissector?
> Well, I wouldn't think that you need to. The "new" (compared to that
> in bug 1970) IPMI dissector stuff is built-in (see
> epan/dissectors/packet-*ipmi*).
> Why do you think you need to add the plugin?
Matteo: If your data isn't decoded correctly, did you set
Edit / Preferences / Protocols / I2C / Bus/Data type
to IPMB? I guess it defaults to "None (raw i2c)".