-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Guy Harris
Sent: den 18 oktober 2012 10:13
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] r45615: Read the program name rather than hardcoding it
On Oct 18, 2012, at 12:51 AM, Anders Broman <anders.broman@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> From unistall.nsi
>> :Section /o "Un.Personal Settings" un.SecPersonalSettings
>> ;-------------------------------------------
>> SectionIn 2
>> SetShellVarContext current
>> Delete "$APPDATA\${PROGRAM_NAME}\*.*"
>> SectionEnd
>> :
>Are Windows uninstallers *supposed* to remove your personal settings?
We have it as a choice in the uninstaller which is fair enough I think as not all users might be aware
That there is a personal settings dir and you might want to get completely rid off all traces of the program.
>> PROGRAM_NAME used to be hardcoded Wireshark
>...but that doesn't mean it's the name of the executable image; the name of the Wireshark executable image as
>we build install it is "wireshark.exe", with a lower-case "w", and other executable images have different
>If it's anything at all, it's the name of the *installation* *directory* under \Program Files - but there's no >requirement that the personal settings directory have the same name as the installation directory of the
I'm getting confused ;-)
I changed most occurrences in the nsi installer of wireshark to ${PROGRAM_NAME} and also in some places of
Makefile.nmake in error as it now seems. So at least as convention (on windows) we used wireshark/Wireshark
(As file names are case insensitive on Windows I don't think capital W or not matters).
- Part of the program installation path (InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Wireshark)
- Name of the wireshark executable (wireshark.exe)
- part of the path name to personal configuration files (%APPDATA%/Wireshark)
So should I drop this completely and back out the changes done so far?
Or should we have something like:
$APP_INST_DIR=$(APPLICATION_NAME) /* Appended to systems path */
$APPLICATION_DATA_DIR=$(APPLICATION_NAME) /* Appended to systems path */
$WS_EXE_NAME = wireshark
(Other executables?)
On system other than windows libwireshark etc migth need defines too I suppose.
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