Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] DND crash through all versions?

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 09:08:04 +0200
On 2012-09-24 06:13, Jim Young wrote:
Hello Japp,

This problem is now addressed through bug 7744. A fix was committed with
revision 45058, although this could not be tested on OS X. Anyone
willing to drop some pcap files onto an Wireshark main window on OS X?

I compiled a GTK2/X11 Wireshark from trunk on OsX, but DnD is not working
me) from the Mac finder to Wireshark. I don't know if DnD is supported
GTK2/X11 on Mac, but it may not be.

I compiled SVN 45061 using the jhbuild's GTK2 environment on OSX Snow
Drag-and-drop worked great for me. I even did a multi-file drag and drop
spawned the "Merging the following files" dialog. (That particular feature
surprised me, I had forgotten that it existed!).

Jim Y.

Hi Jiim,

Thanks for testing.
Pretty cool he, this automagic merge. :)


PS: Don't worry about it, it happens a lot ;)