Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Why are authors never Cc'ed before their code is changed?

From: Evan Huus <eapache@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 20:45:31 -0400
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Lori Jakab <ljakab@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 08/23/12 05:52, Pascal Quantin wrote:
>> 2012/8/19 Lori Jakab <lori@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:lori@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>     On 08/19/12 06:56, Pascal Quantin wrote:
>>     > Having a RSS link (or something similar) to the subversion file log
>>     >
>>     (http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/trunk/epan/dissectors/packet-gsmtap.c?view=log
>>     > for example) could be a way to easily monitor the changes done to a
>>     > given file for whoever is interested. Of course it would not prevent
>>     > the offending commit but it would allow a faster feedback /
>>     bugfix if
>>     > needed (which could be sufficient from my point of vue). Would it be
>>     > an acceptable first step towards improving the monitoring for
>>     changes
>>     > by original authors / contributors?
>>     I think that some kind of automatic and *opt-in* method to notify the
>>     author(s) of a certain dissector that changes have been made to their
>>     code should be available. Both the special header field proposed
>>     by Evan
>>     ("watch") and Sylvain ("maintainer") and the RSS feed would fulfill
>>     this. And they are not mutually exclusive either. RSS would allow
>>     interested non-authors as well to easily follow changes, while the
>>     maintainer option could be integrated with bugzilla so that
>>     authors are
>>     automatically CC'ed on patches submitted for files they maintain.
>> Hi,
>> it appears that Wireshark git mirror
>> (http://http://code.wireshark.org/git/) already has RSS / Atom links
>> (thanks for the hint Jakub ;) ). So whoever is interested can already
>> subscribe to feeds.
>> To get the full commit history you can use:
>> http://code.wireshark.org/git/?p=wireshark;a=atom
>> http://code.wireshark.org/git/?p=wireshark;a=rss
>> And to follow a specific file, you can use the 'f' parameter:
>>  http://code.wireshark.org/git/?p=wireshark;a=atom;f=epan/dissectors/packet-gmr1_bcch.c
>>  http://code.wireshark.org/git/?p=wireshark;a=rss;f=epan/dissectors/packet-gmr1_bcch.c
> This is awesome, thanks a lot!
> I didn't know about the Git repository, are patches in the 'git diff'
> format against the master branch accepted as well? (The output differs
> slightly from 'svn diff'.)

Not officially, I don't think, but effectively yes. I spent several
months submitting git-format patches to bugzilla and never had anyone
