Yes, the frames are displayed but but aren't dissected by the dissector.
2012/6/20 Bill Meier
On 6/20/2012 9:52 AM, Pedro Fuentes Ortega wrote:
This is the my first post and do not know if is the right way to question.
In the company I work we used two proprietary protocols to communicate,
in a private network, diferent equipments. One protocol uses udp port
3500 and the other the udp 3800. I have tried to encode two dissector.
The code that uses port 3500 works perfectly, but the other does not. I
did the same in the two just changing the port number but nothing. The
protocol that runs on port 3800 is registered by that I see in the list
of protocols but does not display any information.
Any suggestions what I might be going on.
Sorry for my English
When you say "nothing", do you mean that frames with UDP port 3800 display but aren't dissected by your dissector ?
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