Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Make "giop plugins" built in dissectors?

From: Jeff Morriss <jeff.morriss.ws@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 18:07:48 -0400
Alexander Koeppe wrote:
Am 31.05.2012 21:35, schrieb Anders Broman:
It should be possible to make the giop plugins built in dissectors now,
is that something we'd want to do?
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I just updated my workingcopy to rev 42949 and now the newly compiled
wireshark isn't staring anymore. It just dies with:
00:01:47          Err  Duplicate protocol name "Cosnaming Dissector
Using GIOP API"! This might be caused by an inappropriate plugin or a
development error.<< immediately.

Could you please help?

Remove all the .so files in plugins/giop/ and plugins/giop/.libs/ (if you're using automake).