Hi Jaap,
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Jaap Keuter
<jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do we really want to allow for a translation of the program name?
QString banner = QString(tr("Wireshark"));
Mmh.... Yes ! for the next 1st April ;-)
Fil de Requin is a good name ? ;-)
On 03/04/2012 08:21 PM, Alexis La Goutte wrote:
I realized a patch to add the i10n version of QtShark. The goal is only to
translate the Gui (not dissector)
Actually, there is only a french translations !
To test, launch qtshark with LANG=fr ./qtshark (in ui/qt folder)
For make your own translation! it is easy !
* Add your translation (wireshark_XX.ts) in QtShark.pro
* Launch lupdate QtShark.pro to generate/update your translation file
* Translate with Qt Linguist
* Launch lrelease QtShark.pro to create/update wireshark_xx.qm file