Hi guys,
I've read the developers guide, README.developer, wiretap plugin wiki and found no answer. Here is my problem. I'm trying to use Wireshark for dissecting a pcap capture of a protocol that it's not currently defined in wireshark. So I started writing a plugin, but I haven't been able to declare or register this dissector so it is enabled as a link layer dissector. I need to achieve this because this is not a internet protocol, so I need to identify it in this layer.
The dissection part works fine, I've tested it using a pcap and nesting it on top of TCP. I would really appreciate your help.
Also I've added in wtap.h
and in wtap.c
static struct encap_type_info encap_table_base[] = {
{ "RESERVED 138", "res0" },
{ "RESERVED 139", "res1" },
{ "RESERVED 140", "res2" },
{ "RESERVED 141", "res3" },
{ "RESERVED 142", "res4" },
{ "RESERVED 143", "res5" },
{ "RESERVED 144", "res6" },
{ "RESERVED 145", "res7" },
{ "RESERVED 146", "res8" },
{ "MY PROTOCOL, "myprotocol" }
Here are the register and handoff sections of my code
void proto_register_myprotocol (void)
myprotocol_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("myprotocol.proto","ACN protocol number", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX);
proto_register_field_array (proto_myprotocol, hf, array_length (hf));
proto_register_subtree_array (ett, array_length (ett));
register_dissector("myprotocol", dissect_myprotocol, proto_myprotocol);
void proto_reg_handoff_myprotocol(void)
data_handle = find_dissector("data");
myprotocol_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_myprotocol, proto_myprotocol);
dissector_add_uint("wtap_encap", WTAP_ENCAP_MYPROTOCOL, myprotocol_handle);
dissector_add_uint("tcp.port", global_myprotocol_port, myprotocol_handle); // Registering this on top of TCP was only to develop the dissection part, this won't be present in the release version
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