> >
> > cmake:
> > - on windows
> > + cmake would allow out-of-tree builds on Windows
> > + starting with a cygwin/nmake alternative would be an idea as there is
> > no native windows / VisualStudio setup available right now.
> Meaning: out-of-tree using nmake ?
> (If so, I coulkd take a shot at that).
My main interest in CMake for Windows is to produce VS project files to ease the entry barrier for windows devs wedded to VS.
The out of tree build idea came up when discussing CMake which apparently by default creates Makefiles for an out of tree build, and this would help those Windows devs trying to build both Win32 and win64 from the same source tree.
For an out of tree nmake I would think you would need cl and linker flags indicating the intermediate and output directories to use.
FYI my no-cygwin build now creates a Wireshark executable but needs some more work to replace some other bash scripts for tshark e.g. make-tapreg-dotc
My plan is to move all such code generation tasks from bash to python so they are cross platform and for Windows not dependant on Cygwin, and then the windows specific bash scripts would be replaced with PowerShell scripts or Python scripts. A no-cygwin build still needs a few other items, namely bison and flex from GnuWin32 and of course Python and Perl. The GnuWin32 bits would be bundled into a zip and placed on the Wireshark server in a similar manner to all the other windows zip files that are downloaded by win-setup.(sh|ps1)