I have a lua script range_check.lua
It has a function range_check(), which checks the ranges of the fields of each packet in a pcap file, and it is registered to the menu “MENU_TOOLS_UNSORTED”
I tried running:
tshark -X lua_script:range_check.lua -q -r my_capture.pcap
but “-X lua_script:range_check.lua” just loads reange_check, it does no run the function “range_check()” on the pcap.
Is there a way to run “range_check()“on a given pcap file via tshark?
I'm guessing the Listener/Tap is only registered in the menu callback. In TShark, you want the tap to auto-register. If you're indeed doing this already, please provide a snippet.
Your script should check
gui_enabled() (or the variable
GUI_ENABLED) to determine whether the tap registration should occur by menu or automatically (see similar