On 01/12/2012 06:20 PM, Gerald Combs wrote:
On 1/12/12 9:06 AM, Gerald Combs wrote:
On 1/12/12 1:59 AM, Balint Reczey wrote:
I'm not sure that it is the proper approach.
We don't have to update the library version if there is no change in the
The libtool documentation says "If the library source code has changed
at all since the last update, then increment revision (‘c:r:a’ becomes
‘c:r+1:a’)." We update
[ hit "send" too soon. ]
We update the code in epan and wiretap in every release, which means the
revision number should be incremented for libwireshark and libwiretap,
I can imagine a release without any change in those libraries, this is why I
wrote that it may not be the proper approach, but you are correct, if there are
only internal changes in both libs, we should update the revision for both.
Since we can change the ABI as well I propose running ACC before the release and
manually updating the versions properly or creating a script which updates
the version numbers properly according to ACC.