On 29 dec 2011, at 21:00, Martin Kaiser wrote:
> Hello Gerald and all,
> Thus wrote Gerald Combs (gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx):
>> Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this. We don't have a
>> devroom, but we might be able to find a spot in one of the existing
>> rooms. Alternatively I might be able to reserve a conference room at a
>> nearby hotel.
>> I realize it's now short notice, but can anyone interested in meeting
>> at FOSDEM send an email to -dev or to me directly with the dates you can
>> attend? The main event is February 4 and 5 in Brussels, but we could
>> also meet on the 3rd or 6th if that's more convenient.
>> http://fosdem.org/2012/
> I'm still interested in meeting at or around Fosdem. Any of 3rd-6th
> would be ok. When we fix a date, I can organize my trip.
> I'll try to prepare some questions and ideas before the meeting.
Are plans to meet around FOSDEM finalized? For me it would be possible to meet up during the day on Friday 3rd (after which we could join the FOSDEM Beer Event :-)). I could either drive up early on Friday or come Thursday in the afternoon. If we plan something like that, I think it would be best to stay in the same hotel with all who are coming.
So far I have the following attendee list, should we actively try to get more European developers interested?
Gerald Combs
Martin Kaiser
Graham Bloice
Martin Mathieson
Joerg Mayer
Sake Blok
Should I block my agenda for this?